How can I get cord blood treatment for my child?

Cord blood treatment can be obtained in several places in the world:
In the United States, the treatment is supervised by the FDA and in some places, the waiting list for the treatment is long and can take more than one year. In addition, the treatment can be performed at a few private clinics, where you can schedule a treatment within a month.
It is advised to find out in advance the costs of unit transportation as well as the laws of entering the unit to the country of destination. The blood bank that stores your unit will be able to refer you to companies that ship the unit abroad, with which you can find out costs as well as legality.
What do I mean by legality?
For example, during the Covid epidemic, some countries require reporting at the airport customs upon entering with biological material. This means that there is no guarantee when the unit will be released from the costume check and therefore taking a huge risk of losing it.
Another example is, that in the US, some cord blood banks will only let you take the cord blood to an FDA-approved clinical trial, they will not release it to a for-profit clinic.